Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Promoting other business in the area.

We are a small town. There are two traffic lights.  There is one high school building that hosts the middle school.  They kind of operate separately but together at the same time. There is the elementary school that starts at kindergarten and goes to 5th grade. Population is just about 3000.  Would you believe there are over a dozen places to in the area that offer food! There are almost 10 places that offer some type of beauty service!

There is a Dollar store and Hardware store that come close to selling what I sell.  I have the only gift store in this tiny town thats loaded with places to eat! Do I promote other business in the area?  I do. It makes me crazy when someone asks me if I carry this item and I tell them to check the Dollar store or the hardware store. Do the do the same for me? I doubt it. Both are franchise chain stores so could they care about the little guy? Then again do I want to carry hand soap? Or pop rocks?  No Im not a candy store here, nor do I wish to carry housewares.

How would I get them to send customers my way? I dont think its possible. But if someone asks me about getting their hair done I would send them to one of the many salons that I go to!  If you ask me for hand soap Ill send you to the hardware store. Ask me about a gift for a mom and Ive got something for you!  Ask me about something for a 4 year old and Ive got something for you! Ask me for a gift for a teen and I have something for you!  Want something unique? I have something for you.

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