In my store you will see some of my favorite games by a fantastic company!
Spot it! & Bendomino.
They carry more but Ill talk about just these two games. At the Toy Fair I was scared by the amount of companies there so I pretty much ran thru and left. On the ride back home I found a sample package of Spot it! inside my bag. So I of course opened it and found these round cards. Each card has images on it, it says there is at least one match on each card in the deck. When I got home I showed it to my daughter and we tried to play. There are 4 ways to play this game but with so little cards we didnt know if we could play.
So the game was played was to get rid of all your cards. You distribute the deck between the players and flip one at the middle. This is the starting card. Then you have to 'dump' your cards on the starter card by matching a symbol on your card with a symbol on the starter card. As you place your card on top of the starter card that card becomes the new starter card. This continues until you finished all your cards and are declared the winner!
Well this sample game gave me the desire to just go forward and get the game for my store.
Bendomino is my other favorite game. If you love dominos you will get a kick out of this one. All the pieces are curved! Because of the curve you may not be able to play your last piece! If you are counter, you can easily lock someone out of the game and win! Its a lot of fun, the game is visually stunning as well, a new board each time. The dots in the tiles are colored to make it look nice. A great game for the domino player in your life.
We also carry - Crazy Cheese, Gobbler Gobblers, Fastrack & Pengoloo - I hope to carry more games by this company in the future.
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