Thursday, June 16, 2011

Continuing Drama...

So if you've read my blogs you will know I have been having issues with someone that used to be a friend. My husband and I refer to them as Voldemort - cause we dont want to say names.

Well I heard from my hair dresser that she bumped into Voldemort last week at the post office. Voldemort explained that we were no longer talking and was looking to fix it! What a shocker!

First Im like, you told me to leave you alone forever & you said have a nice life! And now you want to mend this? Im so confused!

My hair dresser was floored too.. ok many of us talk to our hair dressers, she knows everything. At least everything Ive told her. It may seem like it would be a one sided story but Im not one to embellish or make her take my side over anyone else. I explained everything as I understood it and pointed out my errors in the whole situation. But why would Voldemort tell the hair dresser this?

Ok if you 'burn your bridges' and want to mend them what do you do? I think I will never hear from Voldemort, this person is so stubborn I bet they are waiting for me to make the first move. I dont even know if I could speak with them again. I mean this relationship will never be the same as it was before. If I even speak to them again it will be from a distance. I cant risk being hurt again.

Ive been upset since I have heard this information, I find myself crying each night. Sometimes I just wanna call Voldemort, but I cant since it feels like I would be setting myself up to be hurt. I am at a loss.

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