Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Social Networking Sites, which ones do you use?

We have been on Facebook since I opened a physical store back in October 2011. We dont have many followers but its slowly growing.  Majority are family and friends but I hope it will eventually grow to local shoppers.   We recently, like 3 days ago, opened a twitter account!  We linked it to Facebook when when a 'tweet' goes out, it also posts on facebook. Its pretty neat to make just one post and get it on both places.  I hope that grows too.

We recently went on vacation and no one was making a post on our facebook page. The insights that Facebook provides dropped A LOT! I was pretty upset by it. There is a site out there called Hootsuite where you can post your tweets/posts and it will automatically do it for you on the days and times you choose. I personally have not used it since I found SnapRetail which is for retailers.

Our first post for SnapRetail was for a product that we have never carried.  The company says that it sends the blast out to your twitter or facebook (we have it on twitter) along with your emailing lists.  So this morning everyone got a message about the special currently going on.

If anyone purchases the item it is sent directly to my store. The buyer would have to come here to pick it up and it gives them an opportunity to view the store and hopefully make another purchase while here.  So far today no one has participated in the special but its good for a few days so lets see what happens.

I am not sure how to obtain more followers and I really dont want to pay for advertising on facebook. I mean I have family members with over 1000 friends and I cant even get myself to 100 lol. Its sad when I think about it lol.




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